University Budget Committee

Purpose of the Committee

The University Budget Committee (“UBC”) is charged with serving as a deliberative body that provides the San Francisco State University President with ongoing advice and recommendations related to budget policy, planning, and assessment. The UBC aims to ensure that the University’s priorities are reflected in its budget through coordinated consultation, discussion, education, and outreach to the University community. The UBC is comprised of SF State faculty, staff, students and administrators.

Faculty and Staff: Are you interested in serving as a member of the UBC?  Email for more information and a nomination form.

Future UBC Meetings

All UBC meetings are held via Zoom. Communication to the UBC is always welcome by using the feedback link to the right.

For your timely updates to the University budget, please check Budget Administration and Operations' website.

  • Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, October 24, 2024 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, November 21, 2024 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, December 19, 2024 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, March 20, 2025 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, April 24, 2025 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025 from 10AM – 12PM via Zoom

UBC meetings are open to the campus community. Dates and times are subject to change. If you wish to attend a meeting as a guest, or have other questions about the UBC, please email

University Budget Committee Office Hour Sessions

Members of the University Budget Committee (UBC) invite you to attend “Office Hours”, for all campus employees to provide feedback on meeting presentations, suggest topics for future meetings, discuss university fund-related questions, etc. This is an opportunity to dialogue directly with your UBC member-peers. To attend, email

  • (TBA: typically Fridays after UBC, 11am – 12pm)

We want to hear from you

Submit feedback and questions about the University budget.



Co-Chairs (voting) members


Membership Term

Jeff Wilson *

CFO & VP, Administration & Finance

Indefinite Term

Amy Sueyoshi *

Provost & VP, Academic Affairs

Indefinite Term

President’s Cabinet (voting) members


Jamillah Moore

VP, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management

Indefinite Term

Jeff Jackanicz

VP, University Advancement

Indefinite Term

Dean (voting) member



Eugene Sivadas *

Dean, Lam Family College of Business

Fall ‘23 – Fall ‘25
College Business Officer (voting) member    
Crystal Kam C.B.O, Director of Budget & Finance, College of Science & Engineering Fall ‘23 – Fall ‘26

Staff (voting) members


Jennifer Daly Staff, Faculty Personnel Manager/Financial Analyst, CLCA Fall ‘23 – Fall ‘26

Daniel Gabriner

Staff, Admin Analyst/Specialist, College of Ethnic Studies

Fall ‘22 –  Fall ‘25
David Shevelev Miller Staff, Admin Analyst/Specialist, Development Fall ‘23 – Fall ‘26
Dylan Mooney * Staff, Information Technology Consultant, Academic Technology Fall ‘23 – Fall ‘26
Mary Menees Staff, Admin Analyst/Specialist, Grad Studies & Career Dev., Spring '24 –  Fall ‘24

Student (voting) members



Iese Esera

Student, Associated Students Chief of Staff

Indefinite Term

Shrey Patel *

Student, Associated Students VP of Finance

Indefinite Term

Faculty (voting) members


Mari Hulick * Faculty, College of Liberal & Creative Arts Fall ‘23 - Fall ‘26
Gretchen LeBuhn Faculty, College of Science & Engineering Fall ‘22 - Fall ‘24
Irina Okhremtchouk Faculty, Graduate College of Education Fall ‘23 - Fall ‘24
Tiffany O’Shaughnessy

Faculty, College of Health & Social Sciences

Fall ‘22- Fall ‘25

Genie Stowers 

Faculty, PACE/College of Health & Social Sciences

Fall ‘21 - Fall ‘24

Ex Officio Senate (voting) members



Michael Goldman *

Faculty, Academic Senate Chair

Indefinite Term

Alaric Trousdale

Staff, Academic Senate Strategic Initiatives Committee Chair                   

Indefinite Term
Robert Keith Collins Faculty, Academic Senate CSU Indefinite Term

Ex Officio Advisory (non-voting) members or designees



Lynn Mahoney

University President

Indefinite Term

Elena Stoian

Executive Director, Budget Administration & Operations

Indefinite Term

John Kim

Cabinet Budget Officer: Academic Affairs

Indefinite Term

Katie Lynch

Senior Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management

Indefinite Term

Cesar Mozo

Cabinet Budget Officer: Administration & Finance

Indefinite Term

David Schachman

Cabinet Budget Officer: Student Affairs/Enrollment Management

Indefinite Term

Venesia Thompson-Ramsay

Cabinet Budget Officer: University Advancement

Indefinite Term

Tammie Ridgell

Budget Officer: University Corporation

Indefinite Term
Chanda Jensen Staff Council Chair Indefinite Term
Jamil Sheared Campus union rep: APC Indefinite Term

Brad Erickson

Campus union rep: CFA

Indefinite Term

Christine Hintermann

Campus union rep: CSUEU

Indefinite Term
Deborah Elia Campus union rep: Teamsters Indefinite Term

Emiliano Balistreri

Campus union rep: SUPA

Indefinite Term
Tim Jenkins Campus union rep: UAPD Indefinite Term

Ashkan Forouhi

Campus union rep: UAW

Indefinite Term

Nancy Ganner

UBC Coordinator, Administration & Finance

Indefinite Term

Members indicated with * are the 2023-2024 UBC Steering Committee

UBC Meeting Presentations

UBC meeting recordings can be shared by request to

November 5, 2015

May 28, 2015

March 2, 2015

October 22, 2014

FY 2013–14 Meeting Minutes

FY 2012–13 Meeting Minutes

FY 2011–12 Meeting Minutes

FY 2010–11 Meeting Minutes

FY 2009–10 Meeting Minutes

FY 2008–09 Meeting Minutes