Audit Services
Audit Services provides internal audit and consulting services to San Francisco State University and its auxiliary organizations. We conduct and report to management on reviews of internal controls in the following categories: operational, financial reporting, and compliance. We also perform special investigations of suspected fiscal irregularities and assist in coordinating visits of outside auditors, acting as a liaison between management and auditors as needed.
Audit Services Website
Email: audit@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 405-4425

Budget Administration & Operations
The Budget Administration & Operations office is committed to supporting the mission of the University community by creating and disseminating quality information for planning, budgeting, management, and accountability. The office works with academic and administrative units in the annual budgetary process, assessing ongoing budget planning issues, and establishing and monitoring controls over fund allocations. The office provides support through analysis, forecasting, institutional research, and reporting. The office is responsible for ensuring that campus budgetary policy and practice conform to federal, state, and University regulations.
Budget Administration & Operations Website
Email: budget@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 338-1463

Capital Planning, Design, and Construction
Capital Planning, Design and Construction manages programming, planning, architecture, engineering, and construction of new and remodeled buildings and landscapes that support the campus community. CPDCs team of architects, design and sustainability professionals, space analysts, construction project managers, construction inspectors, and cost control and contract specialists represent the interests of the campus, working with the university community, the CSU Office of the Chancellor, and state and local agencies to coordinate and manage the development of capital projects and public-private partnerships.
CPDC's Planning + Design staff guides the long-term direction of the campus built environment within a flexible framework for physical development. We set standards for campus buildings and landscapes, leading campus and urban planning, landscape design, and building programming and design efforts to create spaces that are both nurturing and stimulating.
Capital Planning, Design, and Construction Website
Campus Planning Website
Email: cpdc@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 338-1698

Downtown Campus
The SF State Downtown Campus is located at 160 Spear Street, 5th Floor. The location is near the waterfront, with quick access to the Embarcadero BART/Muni station and adjacent to the Transbay Terminal. There are two entrances to the building: Spear Street and Main Street. The Spear Street entrance and courtyard are closed on weekdays after 7 p.m., and on weekends and holidays. Please use the Main Street entrance, which is marked with the address 160 Spear Street.

Facilities Services
Facilities Services is responsible for maintaining the grounds and ensuring they meet high aesthetic and sustainability standards, in keeping with SF State's overall culture and educational mission. Facilities provides for smooth day-to-day operations of campus facilities and grounds as well as the Central Utilities Plant that provides all campus utilities — water and heat, electricity, and sewage services — to the academic campus. The division values safety, comfort and efficiency, and strives to respond quickly to routine maintenance issues that arise, as well as to building-related or campus emergencies.
Facilities Services Website
Email: facilities@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 338-1568

Financial Services
Financial Services (formerly known as Fiscal Affairs) is committed to providing quality financial services to the campus community while ensuring the financial integrity of university funds. Financial Services supports the University by providing accounting and student financial services. Service areas in Financial Services include: Governmental Accounting, Trust & Special Project Accounting, Financial Reporting, Tax Services, Bursar's Office (Student Financials), Accounts Payable, Procurement and Support Services, and OneCard.
Financial Services Website
Email: fiscal@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 338-2649

Housing, Dining & Conference Services
Housing, Dining & Conference Services (HDCS) hosts residents and guests within its managed communities in the traditional residence halls and at the University Park Apartments. HDCS provides hospitality for the University through its conference centers, food service contractor, and suites. The department is a diverse organization with professional staff encompassing residential licensing, fiscal services, event planning, and related property and hospitality services.
Housing, Dining & Conference Services Website
Email: housing@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 405-4416

Human Resources
The fundamental mission of Human Resources (HR) is to ensure that faculty and staff have no distractions from fulfilling the role each person was hired to accomplish. With that in mind, HR provides a large range of services including: benefits information and enrollment; employee development; labor relations; coaching and counsel; compensation & classification determinations; leave management to recruitment & selection expertise, and more. Service areas include: Benefit & Retirement Services, Payroll Services, Labor Relations & Employee Development, Talent Management & Compensation Solutions and Employee University. In accordance with SF State's user-friendly principles, HR strives to communicate respect, courtesy/civility, appreciation, empathy, trust, inclusion, and consultation.
Human Resources Website
Email: hrwww@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 338-1872

Information Technology Services
Information Technology Services advances the mission of SF State by ensuring reliable systems and network infrastructure, excellent technology support, and promoting and assisting technology enablement to support SF State's long-standing commitments to teaching, learning, and social justice. These are the core areas of service within ITS: Business Services; Cloud Applications; Cloud and Systems Services; Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence; Information Security; Network and Telecommunications; Service Management; and Web, Mobile, and Project Management.
Information Technology Services Website
Email: its@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 338-1420

Office of Sustainability
The Office of Sustainability helps integrate sustainability, resilience and equity into San Francisco State University’s academics, planning, operations and student activities. Our department was formed in 2008 to coordinate the President's Climate Commitment and implement the University's Climate Action Plan. Our newest Climate Action Plan, launched in January 2024, acts as our guide to highlight our past sustainability achievements and makes a detailed action-oriented plan for the climate action goals we wish to accomplish in the future. We often collaborate with other departments on campus to make sure sustainability is at the forefront of everything we do at SF State, from academics to running the campus. Our greatest goal is to serve our students, making sure their opinions are heard and equipping them with the resources they need to progress climate justice on campus and beyond.

Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance focuses on implementing process improvement initiatives that elevate the reputation of San Francisco State University, provide a positive employee experience, and result in lasting change and sustainable savings. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of University business processes, we provide strategic recommendations based on data-driven decision-making. Our team leads bi-monthly meetings of the Process Improvement Advisory Team, which includes stakeholders from across various areas of campus, to facilitate these goals.
Quality Assurance Website
Email: qateam@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 405-4409

Real Estate Development
As San Francisco State University launches an ambitious master plan, it is clear that project delivery methods will require a greater reliance on alternative funding mechanisms. To deliver new or renovated facilities to the campus community in a timely manner, the university will have to dramatically shift our approach to project delivery. The creation of the University Enterprises division was the first step toward creating a structure to support these types of initiatives. Real Estate Development's efforts are aimed at developing and implementing capital projects through public/private partnerships (P3) and other delivery and financing mechanisms in support of its mission. These efforts include conceiving of, developing, and managing the business and contractual aspects of the university’s real estate development programs in alignment with physical planning, environmental, and financial goals.

Risk & Safety Services
Risk & Safety Services is focused on being a trusted partner who delivers outstanding customer service, fosters collaborative relationships, and provides significant value to be recognized as safety, risk, and procurement experts and leaders within higher education. Risk & Safety Services encompasses departments that provide service and training across the campus: Environment Health and Safety, Enterprise Risk Management, and Office of Emergency Services. Our mission is to serve, support, and collaborate with our customers and each other to deliver innovative, timely, and accurate solutions that create value and streamline processes in support of University goals and initiatives. Through training, analysis, and informed decision-making, Risk & Safety Services creates a business-minded, risk-aware culture among responsible University management that promotes and integrates principled leadership to establish acceptable risks in all of the University's education, research, outreach, and service endeavors.
Risk & Safety Services Website
Email: riskmgmt@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 405-3522

University Corporation
The University Corporation, San Francisco State (UCorp) was incorporated in 1946 as an auxiliary organization; a not-for-profit public benefit corporation devoted to furthering the educational mission of San Francisco State University. UCorp aims to provide resources to the University as means to enrich the SF State experience for our students, faculty, and staff.
University Corporation
Email: ucorp@sfsu.edu
Phone: (415) 338-1708