Committees on Campus

Cross campus committees are a collaboration between members of the President’s Cabinet, Academic Affairs, Administration & Finance, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, University Advancement, University Enterprises, and the Academic Senate working to execute priorities set by the CSU and by the President of the University. The membership of these committees represent a diverse cross-section of the University community. They include University deans, faculty, associate vice presidents, directors, staff, and students to ensure these committees have multiple perspectives that will help advance the University's mission.

  1. Academic Field Trip and Internship Committee
  2. Campus Art Committee
  3. Campus Health and Safety Committee
  4. Campus Space Committee
  5. Cost Recovery Oversight Committee
  6. Enrollment Operations Committee
  7. Lab Safety Committee
  8. Public Safety Advisory Committee
  9. Strategic Enrollment Advisory Committee
  10. Student Fee Advisory Committee
  11. Student Health Advisory Committee
  12. Sustainability Committee
  13. Technology Governance Committee
  14. Time, Place, and Manner Committee
  15. University Budget Committee