Jeff Wilson, Vice President & CFO, works closely with members of the President’s Cabinet, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, University Advancement, University Enterprises, and the Academic Senate through various committees that work to execute priorities set by the CSU and by the President of the University.
The membership of these committees represent a diverse cross-section of the University community. They include University deans, faculty, associate vice presidents, directors, staff, and students to ensure these committees have multiple perspectives that will help advance the University's mission.
Committees Led by A&F
University Budget Committee
The University Budget Committee (UBC) is charged with providing the President with advice and recommendations related to budget policy, planning, and review. The UBC is comprised of SF State faculty, staff, students, and administrators. Members of the UBC, with a shared commitment to fiscal transparency, serve to inform the University and community about budget matters, and bring to the administration concerns of students, faculty and staff. The UBC meets year-round, with a minimum of two meetings a semester plus additional meetings as needed.
Meetings are open to the public with an Open Forum period to provide interested members of the campus community an opportunity to address their related comments and concerns to the committee.
Audit, Risk, and Compliance
The Audit, Risk and Compliance (ARC) Committee will advise the President by collaborating to identify and manage the full range of risks that the University faces. The ARC Committee will champion the resultant strategies and be charged with communicating them to each member’s respective areas. A common language for managing risk and identifying appropriate controls will be established with a balanced view; one that attempts to minimize hazards, influence and control uncertainties, and manages opportunities.
Campus Leadership Forum
These monthly forums invite our campus leaders, department chairs, MPPs, and administrators to share information and updates about their areas, and to further develop their leadership roles and effectiveness across campus.The objectives of this meeting are aligned with the campus values, and include:
- To establish a community forum for sharing consistent campus-wide information.
- To courageously address issues which affect leadership across all campus divisions.
- To facilitate resilience, learning, and professional development which enhances leadership capacity and life of the mind.
- To create an equitable space for gathering input, feedback, and critical review.
- To build a strong community leadership cohort across the campus and our multiple locations.
Campus Safety Committee
The Campus Safety Committee was established to create a safe and healthy environment for the campus community, and is comprised of representatives from across the campus community. The Safety Committee helps facilitate the management of environmental, health, and safety risks, and responds to environmental, health, and safety issues by recommending corrective actions and interventions.
Laboratory Safety Committee
The purpose and mission of the SF State Laboratory Safety Committee (LSC) is to assure the safe procurement, storage, acquisition, use, and disposal of hazardous materials used in laboratories. The LSC is responsible for disseminating, implementing and enforcing SF State’s Chemical Hygiene Plan and for establishing environmental, health and safety policies in accordance with federal, state, CSU, and SF State policy and regulations and best practices.
Process Improvement Advisory Team
The Process Improvement Advisory Team (PIAT) focuses on improving and streamlining the existing campus processes, concentrating on creating incremental change and removing administrative barriers in order to support the campus community. It aims to improve University business processes by reducing costs, eliminating waste, enhancing service capacity and quality, and by creating a culture of continuous improvement.
Committees with A&F participation
Time, Place, and Manner Committee
Freedom of expression at SF State is subject to reasonable restrictions of time, place, and manner. Through the University Executive Directive (UED) 89-13 on Time, Place, & Manner (effective as of January 1, 2018), the University seeks to foster and sustain a forum for the free and orderly exchange of ideas, values and opinions. It also endeavors to ensure that the exercise of the right of free expression does not imperil public safety, obstruct or damage University facilities, or interfere with the University’s educational mission and functions. The TPM Committee meets to discuss issues related to the TPM Executive Directive.
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